Lehi Jujitsu was established on Historic Lehi Main Street on September 1, 2010, and is dedicated to the preservation and promulgation of the Danzan Ryu system of Jujitsu. The traditional name of the school in Japanese is Sanyu Kai (Interpreted as School of the Mountain Spring).

Danzan Ryu Jujitsu is a traditional Japanese martial art. Training begins with basic stretching and strengthening exercises. Next, students learn rolls and falls that allow them to be thrown safely. The system is arranged into eleven lists of techniques, which teach the basics of balance, leverage and inertia. The first five lists are taught below Black Belt level: Yawara (basic holds and escapes), Nage (basic throwing arts), Shime (grappling arts), Oku (advanced combination arts) and Goshin Jitsu (self-defense techniques). The remaining six lists, which are primarily taught to advanced students and Black belts, include advanced combination techniques, defenses against gun, knife, staff and sword, demonstration arts, iron fan and Yawara stick arts, kicks, strikes and a system of resuscitation and restorative massage techniques.
Sensei Sheely is a Gow Lin ("Black Belt" Instructor) in Wing Chun Kung Fu and holds the rank of Blue Belt in Taekwondo. He also currently studies Kali-Silat and Ba Gua Zhang Kung Fu.
Sensei Sheely, a retired Major in the US Army, has trained Soldiers in self-defense tactics in Iraq, Afghanistan, and stateside.
Dan has two wonderful children, both of which are junior warriors. He thoroughly enjoys being able to help others grow and reach their potential. When not at the dojo, Dan enjoys several hobbies, including reading, model painting, games of all kinds, and most of all spending quality time with his family.
The word "Sempai" is interpreted as "Senior," and as the senior student, Sempai Harper is responsible for the training of the junior students. He is also personally responsible for student etiquette and for setting the tone during training.
After a break in service, Keith enlisted in the US Army as an Infantryman where he certified as a Level 2 Modern Army Combatives Program instructor (utilizing parts of Wrestling, Gracie Jujitsu and Muay Thai), teaching and certifying countless US and foreign service members in hand-to-hand as well as tactical combat. After leaving Active Duty he joined the Utah Army National Guard, and in 2021 restarted his journey in Danzan Ryu with Sensei Duane Sheely, founder of the Sanyu Kai and Warrior Mountain Academy. While studying DZR Jujitsu, Keith also studies Muso Jikiden Enshin Ryu Iaido under Sensei Jason Hankins and Sensei Dick Beckstead of the Zen Bu Kan.
As his military unit's senior Combatives instructor, Keith has re-introduced an older Army Combatives curriculum to the current that was originally based off of DZR Jujitsu while adding more combat focus to the way soldiers are trained.
Keith also assists Sensei Sheely in the women’s self defense program, and Brigette Swensen in overseeing our youth program, and he shares the responsibility for the development and advancement of the “Junior Warriors.”
When not on the tatami you can find Keith back country camping, shooting, at the gym or cooking a delicious meal.
Some of Kimberly's kids are junior warriors (her oldest, Claire, is also an instructor in the kids class).
Kimberly loves practicing Jujitsu and is excited to keep learning and teaching.
Kimberly assists Brigette Swensen in overseeing our youth program, and she shares the responsibility for the development and advancement of the “Junior Warriors.”
Ryan assists Sempai Dan Harper and Brigette Swensen in overseeing our Jujitsu programs, and he shares the responsibility for the development and advancement of the “Junior Warriors.”
Ryan is currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Colorado.
The word "Kioshi," interpreted as "Expert Teacher," exemplifies Brigette's passion and effectiveness as a teacher of Danzan Ryu Jujtitsu. She especially enjoys working with the kids class! She believes deeply in helping people reach their fullest potential. Brigette has a bachelor's degree in mild/moderate special education from Brigham Young University. This fueled her enthusiasm for helping others, especially those who may have extra challenges.
She is an amazing wife and adoring mother of five wonderful children. She has three sons and two daughters under the age of nine years old. (One daughter passed away shortly after birth.) In her home, you'll often find a bunch of kids, both related and not related to her, having fun with preschool activities, playing, or learning other life skills. When she's not teaching, she loves to read, her favorite genre being historical fiction. (Yes, she is JUST THAT AWESOME!)
Adult Classes
• One class/week - $50/month
• Two classes/week - $75/month
• One class/week - $50/month (first member), $35/month (each additional member)
• Two classes/week - $75/month (first member), $50/month (each additional member)
Youth Classes
• One class/week - $50/month
• Two classes/week - $75/month
• One class/week - $50/month (first member), $35/month (each additional member)
• Two classes/week - $75/month (first member), $50/month (each additional member)
Discounts available for Warrior Mountain Academy members